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What's up, I'm Daclypse.

I've been creating videos for YouTube properly since September 2015, and gaining views and subscribers ever since!
The reason I started creating YouTube videos was to share the good times I was having playing Destiny with my clan "Ace of Raids". We were always laughing and joking, having a great time, teaching others how to do things and learning new things ourselves! With this in place, I wanted to share what we did and help other people also!
When I started YouTube all that time ago I posted a short video on how to get under the map at the tower if any of you know what I'm talking about. I then decided to carry this on after a long break, (January - September) where I created facebook communities and engaged with MANY more people who encouraged me a lot to carry on.

My goals with YouTube are to provide entertainment quality, help to gamers who are looking for it and enjoy myself whilst I'm at it!
My current goals are changing all the time! But growth is growth.. And also to change a single person's life with something as simple as making them happier, giving them a reason to come back to gaming, helping them with something they found complicated, or just being a good friend.

Outside of YouTube? I work full time, play hockey and have a long term relationship. This means I don't have a lot of time, and I don't even do a lot! the 50 hour working weeks are what get me the most. I don't watch much TV apart from TWD and GOT - occasionally watching How I Met Your Mother and other comedy programs IE The Big Bang Theory, Family Guy, American Dad, Rules of Engagement and the crap my girlfriend makes me watch!
I'm a big film fan, and often can be found at the cinema too!

To you all,
I hope to make some good friends here, I also hope to get verified.
If anyone's up for engaging with me my social media links;
https://plus.google.com/ Daclypse

And Ofcourse my YouTube link!
^ Should get you right to my channel!
June 10
Kent, England
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel