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I'm not really your average gamer. After a 13 year struggle with Lyme disease (7 years untreated and roughly 6 years in treatment) I am now faced with chronic Lyme and trying to put the pieces of my life back together. I had lost my fine motor skills due to the damage to my frontal lobe. For most of you gaming is just for fun. I don't just game because I want to, I game because for me its therapy. I've had to learn how to game all over again. From response time to regaining motor skill I'm making a come back. One day at a time.(y) (Y)
Oct 1, 1974 (Age: 49)
Ontario Canada
YouTube Channel ID
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Subs Goal 25 Subs 50 Subs 75 Subs 100 subs 150 subs. I hit 9500!!! :) Next goal is 10K!!!
Views Goal 4000 5000 9000 13000 Hit Over 5 Million!!! :) Next goal is 5.5 million!!!!!
Thank you Freedom and Freedom family for helping me reach these achievements.
