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I started gaming when I was young. My father passed me the N64 controller and I would run around Zelda, unaware of what I was doing however. I think the planted the seed for the years to come. I went on to love and adore Metal Gear: Solid (PS1) and from there my gaming years continued non-stop. I would come home from school and jump straight to my console. My very OWN console was the PS2 (Fat) My dad got me for my birthday. I played tons of Crash Bandicoot: Wrath of Cortex and Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (Not Subsistence).
-Few Years Later-
I saw Whiteboy7thst and what he was doing (before he got famous) and this made me want to make gameplay videos. Still young though I didn't have the money to invest into an HDPVR. A couple years later Whiteboy7thst accomplished quite abit. I pitch the idea to my Father to buy me all the stuff for a gaming setup. He actually does buy me an HDPVR2. Thats me, my story "summed" up.
Aug 15, 1996 (Age: 27)
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