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HoodieAce here! Hello person reading this, congrats! You have found my page! -Throws confetti- You've just discovered me! Welcome to my page! I, a gamer, LOVE VIDEO GAMES. Not as much as food but whatever, you catch my drift. I would like to say I'm funny, but I honestly don't see it... But hey, if you find me funny, fine by me! Hey, I'm just a kid with a PS4 and some games, my goal is just to entertain. Hope you enjoyed my little, life story thingy... I have no idea what to call this. But if you enjoyed subscribe. Thanks for reading! HoodieAce out!
Aug 24, 1999 (Age: 24)
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel


HoodieAce, out!

Help me reach my goals!!!! Subscribe and check out my channel!

sub goals! 0/10/20/30/50/100/150/200

