Jose Kirby

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Hola Amigos de Freedom, soy Jose Alfredo Espinoza Silva, mi canal va mas que nada de Gameplays pero a veces subo contenido variado, debido a mi trabajo no soy tan adentrado a la pagina, pero aun asi espero llevarme bien con ustedes.

Atte Jose Kirby

Hello Friends of Freedom, my name is Jose Alfredo Espinoza Silva, my channel is more than anything of Gameplays but sometimes I upload varied content, due to my work I am not so deep into the page, but I hope to get along very well with you.

Atte Jose Kirby

Note: I translate everything with Google Tradcutor. Yes, my English is very bad
Aug 13, 1994 (Age: 29)
Culiacan, Sinaloa
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel