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I'm a new youtube gamer who just started making vids because I love making them. Watch my videos my channel link is Tell me what you think my sole purpose is to make you smile hopefully I can do that with my awful jokes and horrible gameplay :D and just brighten up your day. I would mean the world to me if you like my videos and i would appreciate it if you share them around with your friends.
Dec 10, 1992 (Age: 31)
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel


Hey people if you're looking at this congratulations you're a winner you get to subscribe to my channel yaay LOOL so that was a bit douchebaggy wasn't it SORRY LOL but please subscribe to me please please please ok now I look desperate today is not my day I guess but one last quick thing before a go if you like seeing me make a fool out of myself then you love my channel (y) (Y) (facepalm) :oops:
