Recent content by Neal

  • Wondering what earned you credits on the forums? The full list has now been added here
  • Remember to read the F.A.Q. before posting in the Support section/Portal!
  1. Neal

    Resources I want to use a popular song for my video, what should I do?

    Normally correct. You didn't have anything to do with the creation of the music, so you should not be paid for using it.
  2. Neal

    What are you listening to?

    I can see you bouncing to this, Kan ;) I'm currently listening to an artist called Cam Meekins. Search him up on Spotify!
  3. Neal

    Gaming How did you find out about Minecraft?

    I was told about it from a friend my sophomore year so 2010. Just a year after it released I believe.
  4. Neal

    Fun and Games Type your username with your Eyes closed!

    type your name backwards with your eyes closed.
  5. Neal

    Fun and Games Type your username with your Eyes closed!

    MrNedinator or Neal.... Yep still typing with my eyes closed... I've been on the computer and watching Netflix for a long time now....
  6. Neal

    Fun and Games Let's Count to 100,000!

    2042 :-) Lots of posts
  7. Neal

    What are you listening to?

    Right now, I am listening to motivational speeches. Heres one
  8. Neal

    Fun and Games Let's Count to 100,000!

  9. Neal

    League of Legends Summoner Names

    Level 22 NA. MrNedinator I'm not the best, I admit that. But I do best mid or top. :)