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  • Making youtube banner for 1$ now. You can contact me on twitter @Vilmokas, message me on skype: hoverace1 or message me in FREEDOM forum.
    Check out my twitter: @Vilmokas for some free or cheap GFX for your channels, forums, ect. ;)
    hey man i see you play battlefield 4 just seeing if you got it on xbox360
    Have no idea where you saw it, but I don't play bf4, sorry.
    Labas :) Greetings from LV. I would like to know is there a way you could make a free custom Youtube banner for me? If yes then how to apply for that?
    Not doing anything now. Check other people who offers free stuff on forums. Or post uder any freedom giveway video, someone will reply to you.
    Creating GFX, programmers and gamers team. Now working on website on blogspot. If anyone is interested, just leave me a message. ;)
    Hey i was told to contact you about making me a banner if you can great if not its fine and do you do free GFX?
    I don't know hwy, but I missed this comment of you. And yes I do free GFX. You can find my thread on GFX service section.
    Have some good new for some people. I decided to quit uploading gaming videos to YT, and I'm going to make it GFX only... (read comments)
    Also with some League of Legends highlights. So from now on. I'll be doing more requests on GFX. More free/pay stuff for you guys!
    I have some good news for some people. I decided to quit uploading gaming videos to YT and I'm going to make it GFX only... (read reply)...
    I feel exhausted these days. So sorry if your GFX stuff will be late a bit. I might be sick also. But don't worry. I won't stop working.
    Hi. Sorry to bother you. But, I just have a quick question. Is it too late to make a couple of changes in my request?
    I haven't started doing it, so feel free to change anything you want. ;)
    Sorry but i don't make intros. And about the picture, idk. I dont have much free time now. i'll think about it.
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