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  1. XxOverFlowKyuubixX

    5 Animes you must WATCH!

    have not seen elfed lied and do not plan on ever seeing it after i saw some brutal stuff considering i am trying to avoid horror since i am scared from blood even animated.
  2. XxOverFlowKyuubixX

    5 Animes you must WATCH!

    havent seen Another and Mirai Nikki is not that good imo but there are others that are must watch like HxH
  3. XxOverFlowKyuubixX

    Favorite Anime?

    well ... Naruto for me but thats obvious by my name If i have to choose another one it would be probably a childhood one like Shaman King or Bayblade not sure
  4. XxOverFlowKyuubixX

    League of Legends Summoner Names

    OverFlowKyuubi - NA Plat 5 Main xXOverFlowKyuubi - EUW Silver 1 Smurf