100 sub goal

  • Wondering what earned you credits on the forums? The full list has now been added here
  • Remember to read the F.A.Q. before posting in the Support section/Portal!
  1. MrGboy

    Subscriber Milestone I hit 100 Subscribers in Youtube!!

    Thank you for the support. I am a Filipino Gamer/YouTube and other things that is cool. I'mPossible #SUPPORTFILIPINOYOUTUBERS
  2. Jonathan

    Subscriber Milestone 50 Subs!

    Well I'm was pleasantly surprised to wake up this morning to find that I (as of posting) have 50 subscribers. I'm now half way to my 100 subs goal for this year, not bad considering half the year hasn't gone by yet. Here's to hoping I get it :)
  3. Evasive Eight019

    Subscriber Milestone I finally made it to 100 subs!!!

    Hey freedom family I just wanted to thank you guys for helping me get to 100 subscribers and I hope to see you guys in the future comments. Lol I will have a hundred sub special I'm going back to my roots for this one.

    Subscriber Milestone MADE IT TO 100 SUBS!

    I started the channel back in 2012 but didn't upload much. I really picked it up over the summer and my subscriptions skyrocketed! I'm so excited to finally be in the tripple digits!
  5. Rafij Rahman

    Opinion How was the feeling of first 100 Subs :)

    Hey guys I just want to know how was your feeling when you heat your first 100 Subscriber :)
  6. ThatNerdWithTheHair

    Subscriber Milestone Moving on up!! (First 100!)

    I'm so happy!! I finally got to 100! (Currently at 104!) Also, 2k views! So grateful for each and every subscriber and I'm going to work hard to make more and improve my content! To celebrate, I gave myself a CUSTOM URL! I can now be found at: https://www.youtube.com/thatnerdwiththehair...
  7. Eldridge Coutinho

    Subscriber Milestone Finally hit 100 subs

    Just hit 100 subs on my channel feels awesome!!! Cant wait to make more videos now.
  8. RoyJohnson49

    Subscriber Milestone 100 SUBSCRIBERS

    Today, I fell happy because I finally reach triple digit today. Yes, after 3 years on my Youtube channel, I finally reach 100 subscribers. I would like to thank everyone who has helped make this achievement possible. I did a Best-Of video of my channel as celebration for the video if you guys...
  9. AbulChannel

    Subscriber Milestone HIT 100 SUBS!

    Thank God! now i've touched 100 SUBSCRIBERS I Hit my first 100 subs in 1 month Thank you Youtube! Thank you FREEDOM!
  10. TehLoneTiger

    Subscriber Milestone 100 SUBSCRIBERS!!

    I finally hit 100 subs after 7 months, thanks guys!! :D
  11. TehLoneTiger

    Subscriber Milestone 100 SUNSCRIBERS!!

    I finally hit 100 subs after 7 months, thanks guys!! :D
  12. Nutterbunny

    Gaming My name is Nutterbunny and i'm a youtube star!

    My youtube name is Nutterbunny. I also livestream on twitch under tha same name. I'm a father of 2 lovely kids and a husband to a beautiful wife. I'm trying to grow my youtube and make a career out of it so i can continue to work from home and spend as much time with my kids as i can. I try and...
  13. victorfc

    Subscriber Milestone YOUR SUPPORT IS NEEDED!!

    Hey! just hit 100 subs after 2 weeks and a bit, now i need your help to make it to my next mile stone, 1k so if you wouldn't mind checking out the channel and showing some support and subscribe if you enjoy the content :) https://t.co/atYg9M4TYS
  14. Goped Fred

    Subscriber Milestone 100 Subs! :D

    I've just hit 100 subs today, as well as 1000 views! I've never thought I'd have done this well within the first couple of months, but I'm happy to say I've done it with the help of the Freedom family:)
  15. MinstrellHD 2

    Subscriber Milestone Nearing 100 SUBSCRIBERS

    I'm nearing 100 beautiful subscribers, will you help me get there?? It would be very much appreciated https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIBDcs2au_pkxPDRD7W60gA?sub_confirmation=1
  16. B

    Gaming xBEASTGaming 100 subs??

    Your name: Dylan (Optional) Where are you from?: Australia (Optional) How old are you?: 15 almos 16 What are your hobbies?: Riding dirtbikes, making funny enjoyable videos What is your favorite food? pizza Why did you start YouTube? because i enjoy creating videos and seeing myself grow as i...
  17. TehLoneTiger

    Subscriber Milestone Help Me Reach 50-100 Subs

    Hey guys, I have been in Freedom for about half a week and have enjoyed it very much. So my goal is to get to 50 to 100 subscribers before summer comes. So if you like my videos make sure to subscribe.
  18. D

    Gaming Leary's channel! Gaming, Comedy, and News!

    Your name: Nick How did you find Freedom!? I found it through someone named SpiderShotMC What made you join our forums?: I joined the forums last year, to help people get good gaming equipment for there channel :) What are your hobbies?: Playing games, soccer, reading, and watching a lot of...
  19. U

    Gaming Hey! I have just created my gaming channel and would like to see your guys feedback on my channel!

    I will be uploading more call of duty videos! I hope you guys enjoy my channel and maybe even subscribe or rate my videos! Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuzlabyPWqa8Wlx7UUWpiiw