100 subscribers

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  1. Nina_Rossetti

    Subscriber Milestone Finally hit the 100+

    It's been a slow and long crawl but I will keep crawling and posting content for people to enjoy. :D Gonna try and get to the 200 milestone before the year is up
  2. Trippst3r

    YouTube Views Milestone 1,000 Views!

    Hey Freedom! I just posted about my 100 subscribers last night, and now I have hit 1,000 views on my channel! :D To those of you who have ever watched any of my content, I truly hope you enjoyed it. Thank you helping me feel successful!
  3. Trippst3r

    Subscriber Milestone My First 100 Subscribers!

    Hello Freedom! I come to you all today with some news I am blown away by. The news, you ask? My channel has his 100 subscribers!! This is the first of what I hope to be many milestones for my channel and those who enjoy my content. To those of you that were part of this journey thus far, thank...
  4. Tom Cryer

    Subscriber Milestone 100 subs finally reached!

    After a year and a half of content creating, I've finally hit 100 subs. To celebrate I'm also doing a giveaway (just a bit of harmless self-promo). I just love making videos, no matter what the response, although it's great when people like my content. Of course, I don't earn a lot from doing...
  5. John Bendystraws

    Gaming finally made it to 100 subscribers!

    first off thank you guys so much for helping us finally get past 90 subs! tonight thanks to everyone, we not only made it to 100 subs but we got 106 subs! thanks so much and we hope to keep making you guys proud and putting out content that entertains you guys! let us know what you wanna see...
  6. Frosted Technology

    Subscriber Milestone 100 SUBSCRIBERS!!!!!!

    Hey guys! I would like to a say I've hit 100 subscribers!!!!! Just about 3 days ago I've posted that's I've reached 85 subscribers, in that short period of time I've gained 15 subscribers! I would like to take this time to thank all of you who have subscribed and checked out my channel! My goal...
  7. FainterStreak

    Subscriber Milestone 100 Big Ol' Subscribers! Finally!!

    Welp. I did it. It took me probably a year and a half to do it, but I did it. 100 people have decided to subscribe to me. 100 of them. WOW. You know, YouTube is hard. You get it. You're all YouTubers. But man, when you reach a milestone like 100. It's exhilarating. It really is. So, to...
  8. Won

    Subscriber Milestone 100 Subscribers! AMAZING MILESTONE

    To those of you who don't know who I am, my name is RedMageGames A.K.A OJ and my channel RedMageGames has reached 100 subscribers on Youtube! I am thankful for everyone who supports me and stays active, I appreciate all the support and I can't wait to acheive the next milestone, which is 1000...
  9. Evasive Eight019

    Subscriber Milestone I finally made it to 100 subs!!!

    Hey freedom family I just wanted to thank you guys for helping me get to 100 subscribers and I hope to see you guys in the future comments. Lol I will have a hundred sub special I'm going back to my roots for this one.
  10. LegendaryT

    Subscriber Milestone 100 Subscribers!!!

    I am actually on my way to 120 subs, but I just hit 100 subs 3 weeks ago, my channel is going really well! Youtube is starting to pay me 50 cents per month, it is not a a lot, but compare to the last 2 years, it's 1 cent per month... Thank you for all of the awesome support coming from Freedom...
  11. Akram Izimi

    Subscriber Milestone I hit 100 subscribers :-)

    Yeah finally. after working for one month , i got my first ever 100 subscribers. and i want to reach 500 subscribers if Freedom! Family can help me. Thanks for all of the support.
  12. CoZmic Hazard

    Subscriber Milestone 120 Subscribers!!! :D

    I want to thank everyone who has subscribed to me. I love you!!! :-)
  13. Voov

    Subscriber Milestone 100 subscribers!

    Hit the mark a few weeks ago, but still really proud of it! We've been slowly growing these last days, and that's always great to see :) We hope that by a few weeks we can double or if anything slightly grow the number ;) Thank you if you're subscribed, and if not - that's completely fine...
  14. ThatNerdWithTheHair

    Subscriber Milestone Moving on up!! (First 100!)

    I'm so happy!! I finally got to 100! (Currently at 104!) Also, 2k views! So grateful for each and every subscriber and I'm going to work hard to make more and improve my content! To celebrate, I gave myself a CUSTOM URL! I can now be found at: https://www.youtube.com/thatnerdwiththehair...
  15. Fluke

    Subscriber Milestone 100 Subscribers by my 18th Birthday

    Just posting to say that my aim is to reach 100 subscribers by my birthday which is the 19th of July, i am currently at 41 wish me the best of luck :)
  16. Nutterbunny

    Gaming My name is Nutterbunny and i'm a youtube star!

    My youtube name is Nutterbunny. I also livestream on twitch under tha same name. I'm a father of 2 lovely kids and a husband to a beautiful wife. I'm trying to grow my youtube and make a career out of it so i can continue to work from home and spend as much time with my kids as i can. I try and...
  17. Just Luke

    Subscriber Milestone Thank you for one hundred awesome subscribers!

    So I recently hit 100 subscribers on my channel and I want to thank everybody who has been supporting me over the past few months. So thanks a lot even if you're not subscribed and just leave a nice comment or some feedback, you are awesome! That's basicly all I wanted to say :) This is a small...
  18. Red Cloud District

    Subscriber Milestone Recently Passes 100 Subscribers :D!!

    Before we joined Freedom! we were stuck at 40 subs but thanks to this awesome community we recently passed 100 subs (147 as of this post)!! Thank you guys so much for giving us a chance. We recently uploaded a podcast episode to our channel covering our journey so far (which has been a somewhat...
  19. TheMajestic_OG

    Subscriber Milestone We hit 100 subscribers!:D

    Thank you all for helping me get to 100 subscribers! I very much appreciate it(: It has took me a while to get here but, with a little hard work and dedication, you can do anything! On to 200 subscriber(: Thank You Sincerely - Cody(:
  20. Anant YD

    Subscriber Milestone 100 Subscribers!!

    100 subscribers milestone mission completed. Next Mission is gonna be for 500 subscribers