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  1. Mika the Gamer Wolf

    Entertainment My YouTube Story of Mika the Gamer Wolf

    Hello, this is my story for the past two years on YouTube (My first channel) So, this is where it all started: on May, 10 2018 with just Mika as my channel name. Then on Jan, 16 2019 I changed my Name to PewDieMika to find my Channel Faster and Easier On Jul, 10 2019 I hit 1k Subscribers but...
  2. Drawyah

    Subscriber Milestone 500 Subscribers!

    Hey guys, I've just hit 500 subscribers! For a small channel like mine, this is something I've definitely been excited about and to finally reach this number is definitely quite fun! One tool Freedom! provide which I couldn't run this channel without is Epoxy.tv. That tool has been clinical in...
  3. Behind2Beards

    Subscriber Milestone 500 subs!

    Hey guys we finally hit 500 subs! well we actually have a bit more, we got a bit surge of subs the other day when we hit! so happy weve hit this and hoping we hit 1000 next!
  4. TheProLagger

    Subscriber Milestone 500!

    I finally hit 500! I have been stuck at like 496 for a few weeks now! this is awesome! I just can't wait till its 500+ and locked in, ppl can unsub and it could drop atm :) thanks to everyone who is subbed and does sub if you decide to! <3
  5. RyanSellers

    Subscriber Milestone 500 Subscribers!

    I just reached 500 Subscribers today on my channel! Hard work pays off in the end I have to say! I love the Freedom! family a ton!
  6. RyanSellers

    Other Milestone 500+ Total YouTube comments!

    I just now reached 500+ comments on my channel! Woooo!!!!
  7. Anthony Deal

    Subscriber Milestone I hit 500 YouTube Subs!!

    Hey everyone!! I just wanted to let you all know that I recently hit 500 total subscribers on YouTube! I just want to thank everyone out there that my have taken the time out to check out my channel and my content! If you haven't already, please take a couple mins out of your schedule to take...