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  1. Drawyah

    Subscriber Milestone 600 and counting - Leading up to the first 1k! (Also just hit 100k views!)

    Just hit 600 subscribers and starting to near my first 1000 on the channel! We also hit 100,000 views in the same week which to me is just outstanding, and definitely glad to see so many people starting to click on my stuff! Looking around at all the 10k and 100k milestones around me, this may...
  2. Shoot and Scoot

    Subscriber Milestone We just reached 600 subs!!

    Lately we have being growing so rapidly, and I'm so happy things are taking off. I am in the middle of moving, so my videos are going to be a little scattered for a week or so. But I just want to thank the Freedom Fam for sticking with us!! :D
  3. D

    Gaming Hello Freedom!

    Hello everyone, this is my first time using this forum, it seems pretty nice there's a lot of people and reactions! I am Darkwind614, and I run a Youtube channel full-time for a few months now! I upload about one video a day, maybe skip a day once in a while when there's an emmergency or so...
  4. F

    Upload Milestone 600 Uploads!

    Man, I never thought I'd hit 600 this early in the year. I've been working my butt off to upload as frequently as I can, while still being entertaining (hopefully). I can't believe it!