advice to new youtubers

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  1. ItsJad

    Gaming Please Give me Tips!

    Hey guys, I just started my channel about 4 days ago and have already made loads of videos on the channel. The reason for my large subscriber count is that I used to make videos on this channel but took a break for 2 years but now I'm back making videos. I believe I make quality videos but I'm...
  2. Kuyoyo


    Hows everyone? doing good of course? Well, I have new Opinion about Problem on Youtube. "BIG GETTING BIGGER" Thats happen now on youtube, BIG YOUTUBER getting BIGGER, but the small dont grow as much as big youtuber does. The content? it is not about the content, Small youtube can also doing...
  3. Drawyah

    Educational 1000 subscribers - Tips, achievements & more!

    Hey guys, looking around these forums I've noticed a few people asking about how to grow their channel from nothing and where to find their first few subscribers. I have a few minutes and in a good mood, so I've decided to create this post with a few things I did to grow my channel! QUICK NOTE...
  4. JoeV

    Opinion How do you recommend I take advantage of Freedom's benefits?

    Hello, I am rather new here, and recently got partnered. I am wanting to know what do you think is the best way to take fullest advantage of the benefits that partnership with Freedom grants me to benefit my channel?
  5. adam harrison

    Gaming Am a newbie channel

    Hi all am a newbie channel and need some help with subs and views help and advice are all welcome to hear them the link is below my channel is Psychonumpty
  6. Frosted Fricks

    Offering Live reviews tonight!

    Quick announcement fine folk of the internet! I will be doing a live stream TONIGHT at 8pm EST doing LIVE channel reviews! I hope to see you all there! It will be a ton of fun! Going over beginner channels and channels that wish to grow! I will do my...
  7. B

    Gaming Advise for my new gaming channel

    Hey a week ago i began uploading to my new channel i have a few vids so far. Was wondering if there are any tips for this begining stage of youtube making.
  8. KuyasKorner

    Community Approaching Sponsors

    Hey everyone, just trying to make plans for the future on my channel. Wanted to find out, how do you approach people/businesses for a sponsorship? Whether it be for subscriptions packages, products/services or even travelling. I know my channel is still small but just want to get the idea of how...
  9. Anneke Jordaan

    Gaming Hello! |Youtube Channel

    Hello! My name is Anneke. I started a youtube channel this year. I make videos about games and have done a few on website building as well. Would love to get some tips on how to improve my videos and also grow my views. Any advice would be very much appreciated :-)
  10. KuyasKorner

    Opinion Playlists vs Multiple Channels...

    I keep asking myself this question all the time and every now and then I read something that sways my decisions. Any thoughts on this topic?
  11. SannuG

    Opinion If you think your channel is dead, also something for new comers

    Hello, As a fellow YouTuber, I would like to share some of my thoughts when it comes to your channel being dead. The reason your channel maybe dead is because of how many videos you upload a day, week, month and year.. A channel owner must always be consistent with their videos, you need to...
  12. Fatal Beauty

    Request Need feedback to gain active subs

    I've been doing what a YouTuber gamer is supposed to do: putting effort into making my videos, uploading at least once in a week, making noticeable thumbnails, responding to comments, keeping my commentary natural and being myself. But I'm not gaining active subs. I don't think I have to be a PC...
  13. rajjadaunn

    Gaming Montage vs Commentary Video, Which One Should Good For Me??

    Hello everyone, I hope you all doing well. I have a question in my mind should I go for commentary videos or montage. I have seen many youtube who have got success with montage channel. They used to upload GTA 5 stunt and funny videos that's what I want to do. (I also don't know what should I...
  14. team chybrezzy

    Entertainment new youtuber alert!!

    my channel is going to be about lots of things. from vlogs to challenges to story time to more .. have any advice for me? feel free to give it to me. any suggestions? my ears are wide open..
  15. The Undead Zombe

    Review4Review Review/Advice

    I was hoping someone would review my channel or give me advice. I feel lime theirs a lot of missing potential in my channel but I just dont know what. I was hoping someone can review me and hopefully give me some insight. I'll review your channel to and give as much help as i can thank you for...
  16. Prowensworld

    Community Introducing myself Prowen to Freedom Family

    Hello everyone!, Been holding off on this post due to PC up and dying on me then coming back from being "repaired" with new injuries of which seem to be stable now....I hope. Been around Youtube for some time watching a lot of creators and wanting to create and share content myself. My focus...
  17. Fluke

    Gaming Hi you alright?

    Hi you alright, i'm Fluke and i make gaming videos, these include commentaries on news as well as life story's and lets plays. I upload one video a day so you are never short of entertaining content. If that sounds like something you are interested in, then please remember to give me channel a...
  18. TheApexPlayer

    Tips & Tricks Does Anyone Have Any Tips On Making A Good Channel Trailer?

    I have been doing Youtube for a while but i haven't seen much growth. A lot of people have suggested i should get a channel trailer. I currently don't have a proper trailer i just have one of my videos as the trailer which isn't what a channel trailer is supposed to be. I am finally planning on...
  19. Jakylikgaming

    Subscriber Milestone 500 Subscribers. My Experience

    After a few years of doing Youtube, I finally hit 500 Subscribers a few months back. I was so happy when I received my 500th subscriber. It wasn't always easy, because at times I felt lost, too busy to post, or bad at commentating. But like anything, you can improve so if you are a small...