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  1. KT Entertainer

    Fun and Games A Strange pet name

    Mine is a yellow with a little green parrot his name is Falco..just one strange pet names
  2. AustinCreates24

    GFX Boar (mascot logo)

    I'v made this logo to practice my work on animals and to practice my pen tool work. It did turn out pretty well and im actually really proud :) Let me know what you guys think. And if youre interested in the process, consider visiting my youtube channel to see the speedart :)
  3. TheMLGenies

    Film/Animation could pigs find true love?

    The first animation on our channel! WOO! I don't know what I'm doing, but if anyone who knows how to use flash and has some dank butt tips. PLEASE feel free to throw them out there. LINK:
  4. JarredSinclairTV

    Life Post Your Pets!

    Hi Guys! Post Phots of your pets below! This is my 11 month old puppy Kylo! he is a Šarplaninac or also known as a Yugoslavian Shepherd Dog. He currently weighs around 40kg or 88lbs. Yes he is named after Kylo Ren from Star Wars.