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  1. Klahn's Clinic

    Educational Anorexia: More than just being thin

    Have you ever wanted to learn about anorexia?!?!?!!!?!! No? Didn't think so... BUT I made a video about it and I'd appreciate it if you checked it out(y) (Y) I feel like it's my best edited video so far, so, if you have any suggestions that would make it even better, then tell me so I can make...
  2. Deathlake

    Entertainment Relaxing or irrtating!

    Does this sound irritating or relaxing, which one do you lean to! XD what are your guys longest render, upload time or longest video? For example it took half a day just to render this simple animation in premiere pro then for upload I placed it on you tube at 7 am then it took till 2 am the...
  3. Paulpenno

    Educational How I Overcame my Anxiety and Depression in 11 Steps

    I just want to say before you watch this video that if you have severe anxiety or depression, these steps may help in some way but you may also need professional help. Depression and anxiety are different for everyone, so what worked for me may not work for you.
  4. Jessica Jayne

    Educational Mental Health Youtubers

    Hi I'm new to freedom. I have been a youtuber for 6 years now so a bit of a veteran, but this is the first time I have been partnered. I am wanting to join up with other youtubers who also discuss mental health, I have my youtube that is partnered with freedom which I talk about my own...
  5. NachoAverageGamers

    Life Behind the Tube: Life as a small Youtuber in 2016

    Hey everyone. We're... not crazy active on here. At least not anymore. Life has taken.. quite the turn for us. You see, Preston and myself (this is Chris) moved out of our homes about 8 months ago in order to do Youtube full time. I know you don't know us.. its whatever. Just bear with me...
  6. INDI vidual

    Gaming THE NOPE HOUSE | Anxiety

    So i decided to play another horror game. It turned out... well, see for yourself xD
  7. FakeHumanity

    Gaming FakeHumanity - Much more than just gaming

    Hey everyone, my name is Laura, and I'm a new freedom! member :) On youtube I go as FakeHumanity, which actually first was a channel created with a friend, but she's not active anymore. Back in time my videos been mainly danish, but I'm beginning to create english content. I am 15 years old...
  8. MisterUltimate

    VLOG The Depression & Anxiety One Two Punch

    Depression and Anxiety can really disrupt my life if I let it. Fortunately, through the understanding and support of those around me, and some strategies and techniques that work for me, I can press forward. INFORMATION ON DEPRESSION & ANXIETY FROM THE MAYO CLINIC • Major Depressive Disorder...