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  1. C

    Tech What is StoryFire?

    So I was watching a commentary youtuber and he was talking about storyfire, I wanted to ask what is storyfire? is it like an alternate version of YouTube? or is it like a community website like these forums?
  2. Younes Hadari

    Tech Younes Market

    Hello guys, I am Younes the founder of Younes Market who has a keen eye for news and all the unusual stuff that happens around iPhone and iPad. YounesMarket is all about iPhone, iPad, iOS, Apple Watch. We troubleshoot iOS problems, and post latest news, rumors as well as apps and accessories...
  3. Old Not Dead

    GFX What app do you use for your Thumbnails?

    I use an app called Pixel Lab with my android device. It works pretty well. What app or program do you use for creating your thumbnails?
  4. Chickquinn Chickyy

    News Better editors or screen recorders (IOS)

    wich do you need more cast your vote and let me know what type of youtuber you are. To all those vloggers i can already think you want better editors, and those gamers you probally want better screen recorders lets see who wins buh, bye.
  5. Chickquinn Chickyy

    YouTube Better editing apps

    Better editing apps for editing youtube videos and making them better quality. screen recorders (also for live streams) and more to edit with on IOS
  6. Marchman_97

    Community Help me... Please!

    Hey everyone, I'm going to be doing a contest giveaway on my channel, and I need some help. I know I will have alot of people to play since I'm giving away IW. However, I want to select a winner out of random, and that's why I need help. Do you guys, the freedom family, know any apps or websites...
  7. Rafij Rahman

    Tech Speed Up Android Device Without Any App | By Rohan

    Now these days who want laggy android.It's really annoying if your android lagging so much.& so many people install many 3rd party app to boost their android.& you will find a lot of booster on play store with a 5***** ratting but do we really need them & If we won't then how can we speed up our...
  8. JordanSavageYT

    Service Request Pixel Artist needed!

    Hello everyone, I am developing an iOS Application. I am a programmer and not a Pixel artist, thus I need a pixel artist to create two sprite assets for me! If you are up for the challenge or just want more information, either leave a reply, private message me or send me an email! Enquiries...
  9. AndroBrother's

    Hola, me presento :) #Android

    Muy buenas a todos, como están? Espero que bien. Hoy vengo a presentarme mi nombre es Leandro del canal AndroBrother's Pues bueno estoy en freedom desde hace unos dias y mi canal es pequeño aún 18 subs y mas de 400 visitas empecé hace poco mas de 2 semanas. Somos dos chicos, el otro integrante...
  10. EpiceMT

    Hot Top 5 best team speak apps

    Hello everyone, today I introduce to you a top 5 best team speak apps. Let's start! 5. Curse voice: Its a relevant app, used for 3 or more things. It rarely does giveaways, It is used for team chat, includes both verbal and written messages. You can access it ingame (why nr.5, because the sound...