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  1. AgniPyro

    Gaming New PokeFan in Town!

    Hello guys my name is AgniPyro! I have been with Freedom! for about a month now and am really enjoying it here. I have ok number of subscribers and I usually make videos on games (especially Pokemon) but I am not just restricted to that! I also make movie reviews, blogs and hold shoutout...
  2. Charxander Origin

    Gaming Eating Too Many Arrows

    I haven't played some TDM matches with David in quite a while, so this was a fun thing to do. We were playing with our usual CTF kits, David is an Archer and I am a Brute, and we were doing pretty well. That being said, i kept running in front of David's arrows, which stops them completely, and...
  3. James Starbuck

    Anyone here who watched Arrow last week?

    Hey all, is there anyone here who watches Arrow at all and if so did you watch the episode last week? I figured I'd leave it just over a week and give people time to process what happened and I was wondering what people's opinions were on who it was that got killed off and is now 'in the grave'...
  4. Danny

    DC's Legends of Tomorrow Thread

    On Thursday I watched DC's Legends of Tomorrow as it premiered. I've been a fan of Arrow since it aired as well as The Flash. I think Legends of Tomorrow is a nice addition to the CW universe and seeing it expand to add more superheroes makes me really excited! I also really enjoyed seeing...