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  1. MWproductions1000

    Music Linkin Park "One More Light" ALBUM RANT

    The first (and possibly only) album rant! Today, I talk about all the reasons why I, as a Linkin Park fan, am severely disappointed in this new album.
  2. Deathlake

    Film/Animation Plz critique!

    Created this for a uni project, it would be appreciated if any of you lovely people could watch the short animation and answer a few questions so i can improve! 1) What do you think the animation purpose is? 1.5) what age does the animation looks like its aimed at? 2) What do you think the...
  3. TheMLGenies

    Film/Animation could pigs find true love?

    The first animation on our channel! WOO! I don't know what I'm doing, but if anyone who knows how to use flash and has some dank butt tips. PLEASE feel free to throw them out there. LINK:
  4. LollipopSWAG21

    Educational Best/Worst cheating methods.

    Hello guys! Who has some good or bad methods for cheating during tests? Plz explain!
  5. AreebSK

    Request Need An Urgent Quick Review..

    Hello! Thanks for being here. I am going to make this real quick, so... I want a channel review. All you need to check is how my channel looks like. Is it attractive? The channel art and logo? Maybe check 1 or 2 of my videos too and review them as well. I would love to get help from anyone...
  6. J

    Community A new One- Any tips?

    Hi, I am totaly new on youtube, and I would be like, if you can say me any tips to dont be a totally bad in recording on YT. So?
  7. S

    Tips & Tricks Why Not to Sub4Sub on YouTube

    I must begin by saying, Lately ive been trying to Expand my youtube Views, by going to other people channels and commenting on videos about my may seem bad but its not as disrespectful as you are just saying you have a similar channel, and i always respect the Creator of the video...
  8. KazamaDaisuke

    Gaming Let's Shoot Some People - Battlefield Bad Company 2 Gameplay

    So now that i have my new rig up and running why not record something...In this case it is Battlefield Bad Company 2..a game i have been long waiting to record...and now i can...leave a comment if you want to see Battlefield 3 in the future too.
  9. T

    Gaming Introducing Myself!

    Hi i'm ended theory but you can call me William. I'm 13 years old and my child hood from 9-12 I was depressed from bad family problems, It was really bad because my parents argued a lot. Then i found YouTube videos and I knew that's what I wanted to do. So I made a channel and it was growing at...
  10. Spi1999

    Comedy The Power of Darude barone

    IDK about this format, not my cup of tea. tell me if you liked it.
  11. ShadowMajor

    Gaming Forced Reviews: Mahjong Pretty Girls Battle : Schoolgirl Edition

    So a few of us in the Hunt have been playing a little game.....Pick a game for one other member, and they have to review it. It's like Secret Santa, only more painful....