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  1. BlOoDrAgOn

    Gaming Phantom forcres montage

    So i made a montage for my birthday, and i want to see if its good, if i get 10 likes and 100 views, i will finish this montage. if i dont reach theses goals, it will be scrapped permanently.
  2. K Army Gaming

    Community Its my birthday ! :D

    Lol its my birthday and i've been so busy editing this short series that i totally forgot XD. Thanks to the Freedom forum notice saying happy birthday K Army i just remembered lol. This is my first birthday as a youtube creator and its kinda awesome.
  3. RyanSellers


    I had a wonderful Birthday hanging out with some of my awesome YouTube friends! You probably have heard of Stuart Edge. He has 2.5 million subscribers.
  4. Charxander Origin

    Gaming BIRTHDAY Video: New Series?

    All I can really say that is if we are this bad at prepping, then beating this map will be nearly impossible.
  5. Kingsteel

    Entertainment HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!

    Hey Freedom Family! I just posted a video about my birthday and I also got a new camera! If you want, you can watch the video here RIGHT NOW! DO IT NEOWWW!
  6. Fluke

    Subscriber Milestone 100 Subscribers by my 18th Birthday

    Just posting to say that my aim is to reach 100 subscribers by my birthday which is the 19th of July, i am currently at 41 wish me the best of luck :)