blops 3

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  1. ZinQ Nasty

    Gaming FREEDOM First Competitive Cod/Overwatch Team?

    I would love to make this happen and be apart of it. If it has not already been done. It would be nice to play competitively for Freedom. If not for Freedom maybe my fellow community members can collab and do it independently. If your not good playing with experienced people make you better.:)...
  2. VingtHundred

    Gaming Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 (livestream) W/ Friends This was a pretty funny livestream I did with my friends, we played some zombies and I got yelled at A LOT because I have no idea how to play zomebies... Sadly you can't hear one of my friends because he's an asshole, lol. Here's the version...
  3. VingtHundred

    Gaming Late Night Conversations - Episode 2 (BO3 gameplay)

    Just me and my friends hanging out late at night playing some Call of Duty: Black Ops 3. Here are the funniest moments that happened during that time. Enjoy :)