call of duty - video game

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  1. junaidmustafa

    Gaming Battlefield Versus Call of Duty? What Do You Think?

    I have played Call of Duty and I watched Battlefield. Personally, I think Call of Duty is way better than Battlefield. Now, What Do You People Think and Why?
  2. Adam Smith

    Gaming Division Prestige Challenge #4

    SUP Y'ALL!! Just wanted to share my latest video with the freedom family! This is part 4 of my Division Prestige Challenge. Where I have to prestige as many different divisions as I can. Please check it out and let me know what you think and even maybe subscribe hehe.
  3. reece w

    Gaming Boots on the ground |COD Modern warfare remastered Montage

    this video is a few months old and i'm thinking about doing another montage soon so keep a look out hope you enjoyed the video :D
  4. S

    Gaming Please take the time out of your day to visit my youtube channel

    my youtube name is Spectra i have been working really really hard on my youtube channel and would like to get my name out there i make content daily and i look forward to reading your comments.
  5. J

    Gaming Introducing myself! (Youtube gamer)

    Hi everyone, i'm josh and thought as George has suggested this as a way to grow i should at least give it a try. I create mainly FIFA and Call of Duty videos on YouTube but I am currently a very small you tuber. However I still try to produce at least one video a week,
  6. Mardy Rooster

    Xbox Collaboration Call of Duty.

    Age: 24 Channel Main Topic: Call of Duty Amount of Subscribers: 40 Other ways to contact you: Twitter(@Mardy Rooster ) About your channel: I make all kinds of call of duty videos. I am gonig for a degree in game design, so homework sometimes is gaming. That is why i started YouTube Link to...
  7. Mardy Rooster

    Subscriber Milestone Just hit 40 subscribers and 6400 views

    The growth is slow and steady but it is nice to hit such a milestone :D
  8. Y

    PlayStation Collaboration anyone want to colab on COD and other games?

    hello freedom members!! i am 15 years old and i could be serious or somewhat funny i just wanted to say that maybe its time for me to do a colab on call of duty games since it is what my channel is mainly about and also other games that i have like watch dogs 2, or battlefield if you want to...
  9. Mardy Rooster

    Gaming Game designer, Learning the YouTube ropes

    Hello, My name is Steven, my YouTube alias is Mardy Rooster! I started YouTube to build confidence as My college presentations where lacking it! I also wanted to learn how to edit videos just in case I needed the skills in a class. Soon after starting YouTube I fell in love and have fun editing...
  10. M

    Gaming Hola, soy MasterJR y este es mi canal de gaming

    Que tal!, quería presentares mi canal, tal vez estén interesados en el, lo que me gusta jugar lo subo, en la mayoría Call Of Duty, los invito a que se pasen al canal, les aseguro que les sacare una sonrisa :D
  11. Traditional Gamer

    Gaming Would you bother playing Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare?

    I like Call of Duty games, but Infinite Warfare, HA! It's easy to play but the guns aren't well in the game. Plus, why should I pay for the legacy package just to get Modern Warfare Remastered instead of buying itb seperately? I'd bother playing Modern Warfare Remastered first because Activision...
  12. kenneth brue

    Gaming New Call of Duty channel

    Hi my name is ElderGodz .I'm basically a new call of duty channel you should check out my channel and give me feedback type in eldergodz in youtube and if you want to collab tweet @ElderGodz (y) (Y)
  13. PhantomPhoenix

    Gaming Hi I'm PhantomPhoenix

    Heello guys I'm PhantomPhoenix and today I am posting a thread of the video I recently uploaded. I am trying to get in partnership with Freedom! but I can't do it. So I can't post on member only thread sections so if you could help me out I would appreciate it very much. Whatever here is my...
  14. xAlphaMercx

    Subscriber Milestone 30 SUBS!!

    As I just recently started my YouTube channel (although it shows the start date as a few years ago, I never actually did anything with it until recently), I am so excited that I hit 30 subscribers already! I am well on my way to reaching my goal of 50 subscribers by the year! Does anyone have...

    Hola que tal a todos! Me llamo LOGI THAIS, mucho gusto.

    Hola a todos, soy LOGI THAIS y me acabo de ser partner en Freedom! y soy nuevo aqui en esta comunidad y en el foro en español, llevo 1 año en Youtube pero en ese tiempo casi no subia videos diariamente, pero ahora me encargare de subir videos por lo menos 2 o 3 veces a la semana. Soy una...
  16. TeeGee

    Gaming I'm finally getting back into CoD Zombies. Check it out!

    Hey guys, I love call of duty zombies, so I decided to jump back into it on my channel. Enjoy!
  17. xAlphaMercx

    Community From ZERO to HERO

    Hey guys! Thanks for checking out my thread! I don't have anything cliche to say so let's just get started with this introduction of myself. Your name/alias: xAlphaMercx is my psn/YouTube/Twitch I go by Alpha Where are you from?: I am originally from a small town in Ohio near Springfield. I now...
  18. Shaun Pearson

    Gaming Call of Duty Infinite Warfare Multiplayer: Why Don't I Use This Gun More???

    I've not been uploading to youtube for long so any advice will be appreciated :-)
  19. AmblerA


  20. The Flawless


    watch the new call of duty remastered stream if you enjoy like and subscribe the channel.