compilation of comedy

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  1. 528expert528

    Entertainment I'm new here this is my first self-promote post. Your support is priceless

    Hello, I'm at the beginning so any support would be awesome. I have some experimental high tech music with comedy compilation. I writ a short story and I dubbed it, It's not the best but it's on the first go. I'm a music lover too. I'm open to collaborate or writ lyrics for you. Check out my...
  2. VingtHundred

    Comedy GTA 5 Online - Episode 1 - Our Weird Conversations (Violette learns Japanese, We're not racists)

    Hello YouTube! In this video, I'm playing Grand Theft Auto Online with Dark Tempo while Violette Lighting, for some weird reasons, is learning Japanese. Btw, I didn't misspell violet, that's just his name... Watch my last video here: Contact me here! Twitter: