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  1. Demkeys

    Music All That Remains (Piano Composition) by Demkeys Music

    Back with another Piano Composition! This one's called All That Remains. This track took me some time to piece together. Due to other work I wasn't able to work on it everyday, so it took more than a week. And each time it felt like something was missing. I decided to give it time, and work on...
  2. Demkeys

    Music Empty Halls (Piano Composition)

    Hey guys, I've made another piano composition. This one's called Empty Halls. With this composition I decided to try something different. I usually stick with the tempo while composing riffs. With this track I actually tried some riffs completely ignoring the tempo. I'm gonna add this track...
  3. Demkeys

    Audio Piano Compositions v0.3

    Hey everyone. Here's a couple of my piano compositions that I would like to offer to the community. I'm gonna be posting the links here in the description, because they are all '.wav' files, and since I plan on adding more later, eventually the pack is just gonna become really big in size. So...
  4. Demkeys

    Music A Maze (Piano Composition)

    Back with another piano composition. I call this one A Maze. It was quite an adventure figuring out the rhythm. It was initially something else, but I kept listening to the track over and over again, and I just wasn't feeling it. I liked the lead so didn't wanna budge on that lol. I came close...
  5. Demkeys

    Music Flying (Piano Composition)

    Hey guys, back with another piano composition. This one's called Flying. I'm really loving composing my own music, and it's super fun too. And I learn so much with each track that I compose, it's crazy. Anyways, enjoy!
  6. Demkeys

    Music Lost (Piano Composition)

    Hey everyone, I recently released a new piano track called Lost on my music channel Demkeys Music. Check it out! Feedback is always welcome. I'm really loving composing piano music. And I learn new things with every composition. It's amazing!