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  1. KuyasKorner

    YouTube How to interpret analytics. Audience retention suddenly drops.

    I recently uploaded a video of my experience at a con, and based on the analytics everything seemed to be going well and the average retention was holding at about 60%. Though, when it came to a part when I showed my face just to show who is recording these videos, the retention suddenly...
  2. Meelosan


    Hello there fellow creators :) As some of you already know, I mainly focus on conventions,cosplay videos and from time to time I create vlogs. Now I made a small trailer for a convention here in my city and was wondering if it looks oki . Let me know :) and feel free to comment,like and...
  3. Meelosan

    VLOG Help me reviewing my channel please :)

    Hi there :) A long time Ago I told some of you guys I would go on the road with my camera and start to record my passion for cosplay and conventions. Now almost 1 year later I want to show you guys how my channel is right now :) The playlist/videos I want to show you guys are from August when...