copyright issues

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  1. KazamaDaisuke

    Life Kaz Vlog - Some Random Talk

    I want to start vlogging daily if possible when i can't record gameplay...that is in weekdays....i hope it is gonna be a fun series for you guys...i am reading all your comments and if you want leave commetts about stuff that i should talk about and i will talk about it in one of my vlogs
  2. KazamaDaisuke

    Community Youtube Broken Copyright Protection System

    Ok this is getting out of control. A lot of Big YouTubers out there started getting Copyright strikes and guideline strikes for ridiculous reasons or even no reason at all.. There is a petition that i want to share with you guys ...
  3. D

    Solved Monetization question.

    One of my videos on YouTube has copyright issues. YouTube said I can leave the third party audio on my video if I want to but I can't monetize that video. Will I still earn from the views tho?