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  1. Dan Bates 17

    Solved Demonetized

    So suddenly out of know where after 4-5 years with 0 copyright strikes - 0 copyright videos and all the support ive giving i get an email saying ive been demonetized which im not going to lie i am fuming as i relied on my youtube money to help pay my bills . So not only has my dream job been...
  2. sp77764

    Community One Last Effort to hit 4k1k (Promote Yourself Here)

    So welcome, as you all know tomorrow is the cutoff date and any channel under 1k subscribers and 4000 watch hours will get demonetized. this thread is meant to be the last ditch effort to promote yourself and hopefully push yourself over the harsh boundary's if you want to reply, format your...
  3. pinaypencilart

    I figured out why they were demonetizing my videos. Maybe this will help you.

    Obviously the solution for me won't be the same as what works for you, but it's something to think about. My youtube name is as you see it here. PinayPencilArt. My title and sometimes description of my videos previously contained this name. My tags contained it as well. Just to be safe, I also...