donald trump

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  1. MWproductions1000

    News #TrumpCup

    Do you want to protest a company? Well then throw your money at them and then call them discriminatory! 'Cause...that makes sense to these idiots.
  2. AsaultModeActivate

    Hot President Trump

    So if you have all heard by now, Trump has been elected as POTUS (President of the United States) So I kind of want to see some funny replies to this. On a scale of 0 to OMG, how badly have the citizens of the USA messed up? (This is friendly banter, please don't witch hunt anyone)
  3. LegendaryT

    Comedy Trick or Treating with Donald Trump, Kind of....

    Hey guys, this is a video I made for Halloween, it is about trick or treating with one of the candidates, please like the video and subscribe if you want to see more!
  4. RoyJohnson49

    Gaming THE DONALD TRUMP POKEMON (Pokemon LeafGreen Part 29)

    After defeating Erika at the Celadon City gym, Roy continues to explore Celadon City to discover a Team Rocket base in a casino. But ROY'S NOT ALONE for this one. He is joined by his best buddies, Joe Johnson and BigMichael, as they try to provide hilarious commentary. Emphasize on "try". Let's...
  5. GoldenGame 16

    Entertainment I had made a Remix about cats and Donald Trump

    Because I am German and i wanted to do something for everyone, i do now Videos on my channel which can view by erveryone ^^ hope u enjoy it
  6. Tadashi Screams

    Comedy A weed story!

    New video up, hope you all enjoy!