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  1. K

    Entertainment My Introduction

    Hi Freedom Community! I AM HERE (for My Hero fans!) I am KingSiryWavy. I'm from Los Angeles, CA and I found Freedom by searching YouTube for ways to grow my channel. I joined this forum/community to connect with my fellow Youtube starters and create so we can help each other grow. My channel is...
  2. iLoveB1rds

    Gaming G2A vs STEAM | 10 Popular Games Prices Review 2017 |

    Thank's For Watching !
  3. DBZWii09

    Gaming looking for fellow DOOM players interested in SnapMaps

    yeah, i am a HUGE fan of the most recent DOOM, and i would love to have someone from the Freedom Family join in the fun with me. the entire thing will be livestreamed on Twitch so everyone can hear my commentary. i don't have an exact date set, though. the requirements for signing up: 1) own...
  4. PhoenixAnimus

    Gaming Doom | Singing in Doom?

    So I'll be straight with everyone...I am generally terrified to sing in front of people I've never met but I figured I'd give it a try and sing a little bit in this one. No it is not my best, I was too nervous to sing at the best of my abilities. Yes the game is Doom from 2016 if you have any...
  5. That Awkward Giraffe

    Gaming Final Boss

    This is it this is the final fight we all been waiting for. Sorry no Death Counter in this one I have to rush to class right after I post this. Tomorrow will be a new batman and Thursday I'm going to be starting a horror.
  6. That Awkward Giraffe

    Gaming Most Frustrating Level

    I played this for nearly an hour or two before I got through this part. I took about 30mins of the footage and tired to make a video with it, but I hope I don't have to playthrough that ever again. I did tired to use a different microphone for my commentary I'm not sure if it turned out better...
  7. That Awkward Giraffe

    Gaming Demon Blood

    I am almost done with finishing off Doom.
  8. That Awkward Giraffe

    Gaming Goodbye Vega

    Funny storie I missed a whole section of the map due to missing files when my computer went down. You're really not missing much just me dying a lot most likely. Thanks for watching, sub for more.
  9. That Awkward Giraffe

    Gaming Swearing at Doom

    I'm back after a major computer problem everything seems to be working fine now I'll have a full video on that tomorrow hopefully. But we are back playing some Doom today. This is something I had recorded for a while but I had no way of editing without my computer. Thank you for watching, feel...
  10. That Awkward Giraffe

    Gaming Many Demons

    Does hell have infinite demons? They seem to keep coming nonstop now. i'm making videos right now after classes at night so if I sound tired or anything it's because I am, except when I do vlogs because those are kinda of day thing.
  11. That Awkward Giraffe

    Gaming More Traps

    We are starting the week off right with a little bit of Doom. Now I had to record this twice, so I hope this seconded recording is a lot better then my first which was just me questioning the game logic, I guess that's what happens when I pick up a game after a week. thank you all of you who...
  12. zeke morgan

    Gaming Lets Fight some demons. Doom lets play episode 7

    Hello there fellow Freedom members I'm back with another walkthrough video of Doom, in which we fight a terrifying Cyberdemon in the pits of Hell, I hope you enjoy, if you do please don't hesitate to hit that "like" button. Lets Play Doom Episode 7 includes a walkthrough of mission 7 of the...
  13. Al Valentyn

    Gaming Unloved is back, and using Unreal Engine 4

    Unloved was an extremely popular Doom 2 mod, with similarities to Left 4 Dead. You and a team of friends need to fight your way out of hellish situations, find needed keys and just get out alive. It's very vert dark; seriously you always need a flashlight; and extremely gory. Don't like clowns...
  14. zeke morgan

    Request Review of my latest video please.

    Welcome Freedom family I was wondering if any of you would be willing to watch my latest video, in which I play through mission 5 of Doom, specifically I would like to know if the sound quality is ok?, As I think I may need to tweak the game volume a little as my commentary can be a bit...
  15. zeke morgan

    Gaming New Doom Gameplay - Lets Play Episode 4 - 'The Beginning of the End'

    And here we are my fellow Freedom family members, episode 4 of this 'Doom Let's Play'. Filmed this one slightly differently and thought I would commentate it afterwards, I think it wen't rather well so I hope you all enjoy.
  16. That Awkward Giraffe

    Gaming This isn't Church

    Church seems a lot different then it did in the past. Thank you for Watching, and thank you people who comment and like as well. We are still one more away from 10 subs, keep it up and stay awkward.
  17. That Awkward Giraffe

    Gaming Come at Me

    Back playing Doom and Shadow of Mordor for a week. If you want to watch me play Batman A Telltale Series I'm uploading those on Saturday.
  18. PhoenixAnimus

    Gaming 'HELL' of a ride | DOOM

    Okay bad puns aside (yes it was a pun I know it was terrible), I got the new Doom game a while back and decided to start a new series with it, while also trying out some new editing techniques, let me know what you think.
  19. That Awkward Giraffe

    Gaming Butt Hole Demons

    Please tell me that I'm not the only one who thinks the big demons look like they have butt hole mouths with teeth. By the by I'm still playing Shadow of Mordor on my channel I didn't just drop that. I've just been posting one video a day on here because that's all I got time for. Thanks for...
  20. That Awkward Giraffe

    Gaming Killing and Singing

    Hyped myself way up for this one and then got in the mood to sing. Thanks for watching.