e3 2016

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  1. SheepDreams

    Gaming Spiderman Honest Review

    Heyo guys its sheepy back with some more gaming if you are into that stuff we'll check this out!
  2. theTOM

    Gaming E3 2016: Sony Press Conference REACTION

    Well, after a lot of anticipation, here it is! Finally did it and it is AMAZING!! I'll let you decide that, hope you guys like this little video :) - Tom
  3. CyberPhython

    Opinion What did you think of E3 2016

    So now that E3 is over I was thinking why not see what people's opinion is on this years E3? What was your winner of E3. What where you most HYPED about. what stream did you watch (Twitch/YouTube) Did you watch all of E3?
  4. The Black Murder

    Ultimo God of War

    Heeeyy Gente!! el untimo God of War que anunciaron en la E3 2016, ¿que opinas de el? a mi parecer, se alejo un poco de lo que nos tenian acostumbrados con esa espectacular saga, ya no se parece mucho al God of War antiguo. ¿y tu? ¿que opinas?
  5. theTOM

    Gaming E3 2016: EA and Bethesda Press Conferences REACTION

    hey guys, the most savage person in the entire world is back :D So E3 has started and lots of press conferences were held in LA. This video focuses on the first two, giving opinions and news about the announced games. Tomorrow I'll record the second one about Sony and Microsoft conferences (yeah...
  6. Slothful Ripple

    Opinion No Man's Sky at E3 2016

    Is anyone else as excited as I am to see what E3 2016 has to offer in terms of No Man's Sky? Hello Games have been working so well in secrecy, and for a big fan of the game like me seeing new content is going to be great. I have a feeling a new trailer is in our midst. Also, VR support and...