
  • Wondering what earned you credits on the forums? The full list has now been added here
  • Remember to read the F.A.Q. before posting in the Support section/Portal!
  1. Gibblish


  2. K

    YouTube Views Milestone 200 VIEWS

    Finally reached 200 Views in one week on my first Youtube video .My fiance pranked me (Lottery ticket prank). My reaction is priceless. channel: Byrd& Kel TV
  3. Top 10 Productions

    Entertainment Top 10 Marvel movies

  4. H


  5. Wolyr

    Entertainment MUST WATCH

    Hey guys ! this is FIFTH HARMONY REACTION I hope you like it ! don't forget to subscribe we need 65 subscribers more to reach our goal
  6. WhySoBasic

    Entertainment Is content like this entertaining?

    Hello everyone, i havent post in this section to promote myself at all, and ive figured i might aswell try to get other people opinions, being that if i think its good, others might think other wise, so i want to know if content like this is atleast a bit funny or entertaining.
  7. Ty Smooth

    Comedy this is the channel you need to watch

    Ok... Now that I have your attention, I want to tell you guys and gals my YouTube channel. I know the channel name is pretty dumb, but trust me it isn't as bad as you think... My name is Tyler and I have made videos for a long time but I just started a new comedy channel. I try to make videos...
  8. viality13

    Entertainment Hey I'm a gaming channel/vlogger

    Hi I'm Steven Juarez or SteveJ (channel name) just trying to have fun and upload let me know what you guys think.
  9. B

    Gaming DYan's Gang! Backflipdyangamer

    Hey There!, I'm Chris I love making gaming video like CsGo, Unturned and more just to entertain viewers! I love making gaming video. My dream on Youtube was to hit 1k Subs! I recently, Just joined freedom family which is wonderful! YT: Backflipdyangamer
  10. GeorgeHD

    Entertainment I Don't Know What to Say

    My name is George, my channel is Behizy and I'm just funny (my friends say). So if you want funny videos go watch mine they're funny I guess.
  11. Smiling Kids Channel

    Educational Hi! Smiling Kids here!

    Hi everyone! We are new on youtube and we are very enthusiastic about our experience until now! We provide you with a variety of educational content, music videos for children, babies & toddlers and much more! Smiling Kids Channel is a place were kids can learn and have fun all at the same time!
  12. Aventura Detectora

    Hola soy Ismael y tengo un canal llamado Aventura Detectora

    Buenas!! Soy Ismael en Youtube soy Aventura Detectora Tengo ya 15 años hos invito ha pasaros por mi canal, subo videos tipo vlog y entretenimiento con un detector de metales .Mejor ir a mi canal, ahí veis si mi contenido hos interesa. Si te gusta mi contenido, no dudes en ponerte en contacto...
  13. R

    Gaming Funny and entertaining new League of legends youtube channel

    For all those league of legends fans , heres a new youtube channel , that will be featuring loads of funny and entertaining videos , will try to post at least 1 video per week hope you enjoy all the editing and gaming . If you enjoyed the video please feel free to like and subscribe. cheers
  14. popular3drhymes

    Educational what is the benfit of forums community

    please tell any one how use forum community for grow channel
  15. Fact Bits

    Educational New Youtuber to Freedom

    Hello, I am a passionate YouTuber active since last 3 years. I make Informative list videos and will continue to put better videos on the way. From last one year I have been achieving very slow growth. I want to achieve more success. My dream in YouTube is to get notice by people and to show...
  16. Super Mario Studio

    YouTube How do I Rank my video's

    Hi freedom community I was wondering if any one could tell some ways to rank my video's to the top?
  17. Super Mario Studio

    Entertainment Hi freedom community i'm new

    Hi I'm Super Mario Studio and I create plush video's on YouTube starring your favorite gaming charters. I hope that I can share them with you guys and I hope you like them. I also have a gaming channel called Super Gaming Chef and I like to play different type's of games. I think this is going...
  18. ItsCentric


    Hey, my name is Centric or ItsCentric on youtube, i want to connect with more people and have fun! if you make the same types of videos as me and your around 100 subscribers we should collab! ive been trying to grow but i just feel stuck at times. I just wanted to say hi and gain some possible...
  19. King Cory

    Subscriber Milestone PASSED 150 SUBS

    Thanks to everyone who has subbed just hit a huge goal of mine over 150 plant to keep growing! next goal is to hit 175 by the end of Feb!!! www.youtube.com/kingcory/
  20. crosbymowry

    Entertainment Coming back... as a Music/ entertainment channel

    = Hi my name is Crosby Mowry = I'm from California, but live in Florida now. = I'm 16, going on 17 = I found Freedom! by being curious and finding it on Youtube. = I joined the forums to get more connected with this community. = I love to make music, draw and hangout. = If we are talking food my...