euro 2016

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  1. ATCK21

    Gaming I'M SO EMBARRASSED :(

    Happy Friday guys. Lately I've been busy with brainstorming and working on a few brand new series for my channel. Also have been working on side projects outside of YouTube. So because of that I'm making FIFA videos for the time being. This is Episode 3 of my Euro 2016 mini-series where I play...
  2. RSFooty

    Sports Hello there-RSFooty

    Hey guys. I just started a sports Youtube channel so please excuse any teething problems. It's a football commentary channel. I love talking about football (or soccer in the USA) and that is one of the reasons I started a Youtube channel. I am going to be talking about the transfer rumours...
  3. TCG Official

    Gaming Gaming + News with TheClassicGamer :D

    Hey Guys, TCG here, once in a while I will post some News I feel worth sharing going on in Youtube, News, Sports and all worth talking about while having gameplay in the background. If this is something you'd like to see more often please let me know down below, thanks!! ( This is my first time...
  4. ATCK21


    Euro 2016 is heating up. I'm a bit late with this video but this is the 2nd video in my mini-series where I play FIFA online using the European teams that are in the Euro 2016 Tournament. In this video I play with Germany, Poland and Portugal. I get pretty pissed off lol. Nothing makes me mad...
  5. ATCK21


    Hello everyone :) As a huge football (soccer) fan, watching Euro 2016 really made me want to play some FIFA. What I decided to do was make a mini series where I play Online Seasons using European National teams that are currently participating in the Euro 2016 Tournament. Hope you all enjoy and...