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  1. travisdoesstuff

    Review4Review Review my latest comedy video, and i'll review your latest video

    Heres my latest video about youtube gamers: give me a review in the comments with a link to the video you want me to review :)
  2. travisdoesstuff


    Here is my latest video about how to become a youtube gamer, enjoy:

    Subscriber Milestone i need your help to INCREASE my subscriber and help my family in freedom network

    I want to develop or increase the number of subscriber me with the aim to raise the ratings in the network freedom rankings network youtube , I want you to help me to subscribe to me, and vice versa I would subcribe you . we are one, we are a family that is freedom family
  4. travisdoesstuff

    Comedy THE FILM TAG

    Here is my latest video in which I try and answer some questions and films in the funniest way possible. I may have got a little angry hehe
  5. travisdoesstuff

    Request Is my newest video good? (The film tag)

    So I have been on this section of the forums a few times, but I keep coming back as I am trying to shame up the video type to see what works. I am really proud on the editing of this video so it would be nice to have an opinion on that. Also I want to know if the video is entertaining enough...
  6. travisdoesstuff

    Request WHICH POKÉMON AM I? (Different style is it good)

    So my latest video is a little different to my other two videos as in this one instead of having a scripted idea I decided to answer a buzzfeed quiz in a funny way. Should I do more of these or stick to my other style (you will have to see my other videos to answer that one)
  7. travisdoesstuff

    Comedy WHICH POKÉMON AM I? (Comedy vlog)

    Here is my latest video in which I answer buzzfeed quiz's such as which pokemon am I and what sitcom character would I be:
  8. travisdoesstuff

    Comedy How to become YouTube famous

    Hey guys check out my totally legit and completely true guide on how to become YouTube famous:
  9. travisdoesstuff

    Request How to become YouTube famous (is this video any good?)

    Here is the second video on my channel I didn't intend it to be for April fools, but it kinda fits: Some feedback would be great :)
  10. travisdoesstuff

    Request Is my first video up to scratch?

    I am just starting up YouTube and put a lot of effort into my first video, I need to know what I did well what I did wrong (if anything :P) and what I should do more of or less of for future videos. Or at least anything you have to say about it :)
  11. travisdoesstuff

    Comedy Welcome to my channel

    I put a lot of effort into my first video so it would really help if you guys checked it out and possibly subscribed thanks :)
  12. travisdoesstuff

    Comedy EverythingTravis (I really hope you like this)

    Now i'm not that new to youtube, had many different youtube channels since 2012. This time I think I have done it. I am really happy with the videos I have planned and the one already up, they are videos I really enjoyed creating and am sure people will equally enjoy watching. First off though...