first forum post

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  1. H

    Gaming Hi

    Your name/alias: HeyImVera Where are you from?: Portugal but I live in UK How old are you?: (Don't wanna say) How did you find Freedom!? I heard other YTubers talk about it What made you join our forums?: I got emailed What are your hobbies?: Making video What is your favorite food? Not sure Why...
  2. Zonavix

    Gaming What's up everyone?

    Hello everyone! My name is Zonavix I am from Okiehoma (Aka Oklahoma) and i'm 23 years old I found freedom through YouTube and I decided that I would join and check it out for myself and see how things go! I like playing games it don't really mater what type because I wont know if I like it until...
  3. J

    Entertainment Hello, I'm an animation channel

    Hello! I'm J.D SFM, and I'm an animation channel. My animations are Team Fortress 2 themed and I create them in a 3D animating program called "Source Filmmaker". I'm not a professional animator, but I keep practising so I can improve. Thanks for reading this post and if you have any questions...
  4. Matto

    Gaming Check out my channel/first video please!

    hey guy's im new to freedom and just uploaded my first vid! Please check it out and give me any tips or advice you might have! Thanks Freedom family!
  5. Exxpo

    Gaming Welcome To My Channel! :D

    Hey whats up guys this is Exxpo you most likely do not know me, this being my first post on this forum site so let me introduce myself. I am a 15 year old gamer that is super excited to do something different and i feel i can do that with YouTube but i cant do that without some people coming...
  6. HKGaming

    Gaming Hello Freedom family! First forum post :-)

    Hello! I am Herman and I am a Norwegian gamer! I have a youtube channel called HKGaming where I mainly play CS:GO but also a little bit FSX... XD I joined Freedom after watching some videos about it and I am hoping to grow in this beautiful community!