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  1. tovah

    YouTube youtube is fixing the viewcount finally

    so when i made a video on june 4th now its been a few days and the views almost froze and there' fixing it yes youtube its just that sometimes this does happen since it takes sometimes 12-20 hours for it to update views on my channel have guys ever had this problem.


    I was on my Dashboard, and I tried adding my forum account to my dashboard but whenever I try to login it gives me this error. "Argument: "hash", is empty/missing a value" How do I fix this?
  3. RyanScience

    Gaming How to fix multiplayer connection lag?

    Hello, I've been getting frequent and sudden spikes of connection lag in multiplayer games. I fixed this problem before by disabling my Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) item in my WiFi properties, but I got the lag spike problem a second time and this time resetting my settings and...
  4. Dr. Dunk

    Solved Freedom! Dashboard mobile page

    It isnt really breaking anything, but on mobile the dashboard isnt the best anymore. The menu is off screen so you need to scroll and the earnings menu is also not good because you cant select hitbox. If you see my video linked below you can see the problems im having
  5. Chronamut

    YouTube can someone PLEASE fix the heartbeat app?

    so I am a big fan of the heartbeat app - and its worked for quite a long time for me but now every time I close the browser it break I can no longer log in (dont have a google+ account anymore) - the facebook login says you need to be a developer to use it and wont work, and twitter says it...
  6. E

    Solved Can't Download Music from

    As the title says, I have the option to download music from the ''tracks'' tab, but if I search for specific song I can't download it, I don't have the option to do that. I'm adding to here a short YouTube video link, showing my issue:
  7. Chronamut

    Solved heartbeat annotations option no longer working

    so before when I would go to a video with heartbeat app a little purple star would appear at the top of the page - I would click it - and it would say "annotations detected" and show all my videos underneath and allow me to clone the annotations from the video I was on and apply them to the...