game of the year

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  1. Eldridge Coutinho

    Gaming Game of the year so far???!!!

    I havent played many games this year so please dont spoil anything but so far what game do you guys think was the best game this year .....leave your thoughts
  2. BedfastDuck

    Opinion YOUR 2015 Game of the Year?

    Whether you are a AAA player or an Indy Gamer, everyone had a game in 2015 that was THERE Game of the Year. What is yours? Mine is probably Fallout 4.
  3. Majesticjester

    Gaming The Names Majestic

    hi guys the name is majestic jester or you can call me majestic or jester doesn't matter anyway im i specialize in fighting games always have since i was a kid i love the fgc or fighting game community my goal for youtube is not for money and success i have that now at the age of 22 i clear...
  4. TheApexPlayer

    Gaming 9 Fun Things To Do In Just Cause 3

    Hope you like the video