giraffe plays

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  1. That Awkward Giraffe

    Gaming Becoming a Better Assassin

    What??? I'm uploading on a friday that never happens. So I haven't made a video on friday for a while. I had alot of trouble recording this one cause there was a big bee in my record space and it took me an hour to get rid of it. It was scary. Anyways I hope you enjoy, like, comment and...
  2. That Awkward Giraffe

    Gaming Are We The Doom Slayer?

    Died a lot less today, thank god but I'm still going to be very salty about dieing 18 times in the last video, so much salt that it'll last days. Since I have school starting the 22nd I am in the process to change the way I'm recording videos, so it doesn't take a day to make each one. I'll let...
  3. That Awkward Giraffe

    Gaming Master Orc Assassin

    Hello everyone, Yes, I am doing more then one video a day now. I'm testing out to see if it works for me and if I like doing it, I don't know if it's going to stay this way or change. Right now it's becoming very time consuming although it's only been a day. The reason I'm doing this is so I can...