happy gaming

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  1. KushalGamer


  2. KushalGamer

    Subscriber Milestone About to reach 10 subs

    It's been hard but I have almost reach 10 subs even though it's not that much I am still proud. This has been a struggle and I am happy my subs understand my struggle.
  3. KushalGamer

    News About to reach 10 subs

    It's been hard but I have almost reach 10 subs even though it's not that much I am still proud. This has been a struggle and I am happy my subs understand my struggle.
  4. Panic Puppet Gaming

    Subscriber Milestone Positive Vibes! - Soo Happy but much more to do!!

    Honestly, I just wanna give out some positive vibes im having - I've just made a new Video and gained about 6/7 new subscribers in about 12 hrs - yes I know it's not much but for a newbie it's not too bad :) I've also had the following comment (on google+) from; WheatleyGAMING 10:58 AM Reply...
  5. Goped Fred

    Community For the New/Small Youtubers

    I've seen many posts about disheartened Youtube personalities lately. It's sad to see many of our talented to go unnoticed, yes, but it's even more upsetting to see everyone getting so bent out of shape about a number. When we place expectations on things, it leads to disappointment as these...
  6. Neon Genesis

    Gaming My YouTube background! Creating Neon Genesis (Not the anime :P)

    This is a story I've never shared before. Especially on YouTube, Let alone to many of my real life friends. My apologies if this gets deep. When I was younger I was beat as a child by my father. My parents use to argue a lot. To take my mind of the arguments, I use to play game's in my bedroom...