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  1. Varlais Alata

    Off-Topic Small YT support tag [Completed]

    A few friends and I were discussing how the #newyoutuber(s) and the #smallyoutuber(s) hashtags are becoming over saturated, even by channels that aren't so small anymore, so we're trying to come up with a few newer ones to even out the game. Here's what we came up with: (#)newtubers...
  2. Ashley SilverDust

    Community Community Team Weekly Wrap Up

    Hello, everybody! October is off to a great start! From the week of October 2nd to October 9th we've got lots to recap and I have a lot of things to share with you! Forum announcements, YouTube features rolling out, polishing projects, tips, updates, videos, & more! Let's Wrap Up This Week...
  3. Newbiezo

    Tips & Tricks The New Way To boost Your Views!

    It would be amazing to have your views getting boosted to lot of extent! Well now You can easily ...just yesterday i came across a awesome Youtube feature...Well Its using HASHTAGS! and using hashtags you can surely boost you views! how? well check me out XD I have a decent tutorial on how can U...