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  1. KiritoXxS

    Solved Heartbeat broke

    I am sure most of you have noticed that Heartbeat (google chrome extension) broke down and does not react with youtube anymore, the reason is probably 80% the new layout/code behind youtube that changed resently, i havent seen freedom doing anything to fix the bug on their extension and i'd like...
  2. AreebSK

    Tips & Tricks Best Way To Get Views

    Hello fellas! Now, you are probably here to find out how you can get more views and clicks on your videos right? Well, I recently found out this new thing that can help you grow! So, when you head to your Freedom dashboard, on the top, you can see stuff. CLick on the "Get Heartbeat" thing or...
  3. newfulluser

    Comments Heartbeat bug, detected as a virus by Malwarebytes

    Well I'm not sure if it happens with other antivirus but it sure happens with Malwarebytes anti-malware. This is an example of the scan result: Remove the spaces of the url, I'm too new to be able to post links: htt p://image.prntscr. com/image/4e13e31e77c246f3a6711366c6f04f45.png...
  4. FourxOneTV四爺

    已解決 關於【Heartbeat】這項產品的問題

    我今天發現到Freedom!有開發了這個Heartbeat好物 但安裝後,卻發現到介面幾乎80%都是英文 我點選[留言關連管理員]建議他們在中文化上 希望做得更好 但是點進去後發現是沒有任何網頁的 雖然很有可能是還在建立或是維修之類的可能? 不過還是希望能從這裡傳達 能更進一步將Heartbeat這項產品的中文化做得更完全 感謝Freedom!客服人員!
  5. Chronamut

    YouTube can someone PLEASE fix the heartbeat app?

    so I am a big fan of the heartbeat app - and its worked for quite a long time for me but now every time I close the browser it break I can no longer log in (dont have a google+ account anymore) - the facebook login says you need to be a developer to use it and wont work, and twitter says it...

    Solved Help me to use the Heartbeat

    :( Could help me because I installed the Heart beat and not comseguir leverage OMEU channel could help me, I need help to grow my channel! can be with or video right here! (y) (Y)
  7. HealPleaseHeal

    Issues With Heartbeat Extension

    Hey guys, I'm reaching out to the community to see if anyone else has been having issues with the heartbeat extension for Google Chrome? At first it was fine and I had no issues, but a month into using the extension I noticed my "Dark Mode" wouldn't work anymore on Youtube and now I can't...
  8. Chronamut

    Solved heartbeat annotations option no longer working

    so before when I would go to a video with heartbeat app a little purple star would appear at the top of the page - I would click it - and it would say "annotations detected" and show all my videos underneath and allow me to clone the annotations from the video I was on and apply them to the...
  9. FrostByteTV

    Hot HeartBeat DarkMode Not Working

    Here recently my YouTube dark mode has not been working. I used to have it on YouTube but all of a sudden it just randomly stopped. I tried reinstalling heartbeat to my Google Chrome and it still seems not to work. Any help or ideas of what may be wrong??
  10. Sora Amm NuclearGames

    YouTube Dear HeartBeat --> Freedom!

    Greetings, I shake you warmly by the hand! Youtube.com/inbox.... I want this back, as well as a lot of other people want it back. Can heartbeat team add this feature to the app? receive comments, likes, dislikes, or whatever is happening to our videos to the heartbeat/ youtube inbox? a person...