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  1. Xorganth Xorganth

    Gaming Xorganth's First Game Giveaway

    I am doing my very first game giveaway... I am nervous I tell you... You can enter the contest by visiting my site http://xorganth.tk or visit my twitter(xorganth) I will announce the winner live on Hitbox(xorganth) on 04/17/2017 It will be a steam game, THE DWARF RUN... Starting small, but if...
  2. c00ldude1oo

    Solved How to add hitbox to Freedom!

    I would like to know how to add my hitbox account to Freedom!
  3. LtGeneralStore

    Educational Multiple Streams

    Hello all, So I've never streamed before but I really want to start, I just need a larger audience. I post all of my videos to YouTube, I've started to use Twitch's uploaded for videos, and I know Freedom has a partnership with Hitbox. Is there a way to stream to all three sites at once so I...
  4. TheLuckyNarwhal

    PC Collaboration Stream Collaboration Partner

    Looking for someone to collaborate with in H1Z1 king of the kill. I stream a lot of other games just trying to get my channel out there more. Steam account is TheLuckyNarwhal. Have a great day! Im looking for someone like 16+ Decent mic (I prefer Curse voice I think it is the best and recently...
  5. TheLuckyNarwhal

    PC Collaboration Stream Collaboration Partner

    Looking for someone to collaborate with in H1Z1 king of the kill. I stream a lot of other games just trying to get my channel out there more. Steam account is TheLuckyNarwhal. Have a great day! Im looking for someone like 16+ Decent mic (I prefer Curse voice I think it is the best and recently...
  6. SP Designer's

    PC Collaboration Fun/Growth/Promote/Gaming/team/collab/youtube/hitbox/twitch , if these words interest you read below

    Fun/Growth/Promote/Gaming/team/collab/youtube/hitbox/twitch are the word, If your a channel that's all about comedy and fun on the internet, then my team wants you YOU! As always people ask for requirement, here are mine: internet is necessary, (if you can't connect, then your not really...
  7. TeamRespawn

    Solved Hit Box Questions

    I recently created an account on Hitbox through Freedom, but I was curious if you can export your completed streams onto Youtube like you can on Twitch? Thanks!
  8. Xorganth Xorganth

    Gaming New To Forums And Like What I Am Seeing

    Well who am I? I am Xorganth, a proud father and husband. I live in the city of Seattle. How old are you Xorganth? That's easy: I am old enough to know better and still young enough to give it a try. I found Freedom! totally by accident on Stumble (And So Glad I Did Too). I have been meaning to...
  9. thefightinggamer

    Opinion which one do you think is better for live streaming?

    which on do you think is better for live streaming?