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  1. A

    GFX My Name Is Abdul Aziz . I'm A Graphic Designer

    My name is Abdul Aziz. I'm a Graphic Designer And I'm doing Freelancing and Giving Graphics offers to people. My outstanding performance have earned me client's satisfaction. I Can Make In Graphic Designing. 1)LOGO DESIGN 2)BUSINESS CARD 3)VECTOR TRACING 4)FLYERS AND POSTERS 5)ILLUSTRATION...
  2. Prodip Kumar Mondal

    Service Hi, I'm Prodip. I'm a Graphic Designer!!

    My name is Prodip Kumar Mondal (s1pkmondal143). I am a Graphic Designer. I am working with an IT firm as a graphic designer and I have a digital studio. It is a quality image editing studio. Since 2010 we are providing image editing services to our local and foreign clients. I offer graphic...
  3. Mirza Anas

    Service My name is Mirza Anas. I'm Graphic Designer. (Services) (Paid) (Cheap Price)

    Graphic Designer. My name is Mirza Anas. I'm Graphic Designer and Ui/Ux Designer. uploading videos about graphics on youtube channel for help people. I'm Working in Software House And Making Games Designs And Applications Designs And I'm doing Freelancing and Giving Graphics offers to people...
  4. Mirza Anas

    GFX My name is Mirza Anas. I'm Graphic Designer.

    My name is Mirza Anas. I'm Graphic Designer and Ui/Ux Designer. uploading videos about graphics on youtube channel for help people. I'm Working in Software House And Making Games Designs And Applications Designs And I'm doing Freelancing and Giving Graphics offers to people. My outstanding...
  5. Mirza Anas

    GFX My name is Mirza Anas. I'm a Graphic Designer

    My name is Mirza Anas. I'm Graphic Designer and Ui/Ux Designer. uploading videos about graphics on youtube channel for help people. I'm Working in Software House And Making Games Designs And Applications Designs And I'm doing Freelancing and Giving Graphics offers to people. My outstanding...
  6. TheFighterNb2

    Art New Art for a Friend

  7. K Army Gaming

    Opinion Destiny Comic

    I will be working on a Destiny rise of iron Comic book as a project for the next 3 months. I want to know if y'all think it would be better as a first person persprctive or third person. Maybe a combination of both let me know what y'all think in the poll and comments
  8. Nerd

    Service Free/Paid (negotiable) Unique character designs

    Hello guys, as you can see I am back once again to offer myself and my time to draw you some characters for your branding or other fun purposses :) Now, what do I mean Free/Paid ? Free - it will take time, probably lots of it because it will only be done when I have no other requests and have...
  9. Jordan Burton

    Art Bee Illustration

    Yesterday I worked about 8 hours on this illustration, the initial photograph was taken some time in August if I remember correctly. I then worked non stop yesterday to get this illustration done, I'm really pleased with it let me know what you think! [/IMG]