kid friendly

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  1. EmperorFun

    Gaming Bad News Dragon

    In today's episode: Today we explore Ursire Chamber, which directly teleports us to Space(my guess). While Exploring we find Gym 7, the water-type Gym. We beat the Gym without a problem and receive the Typhoon Badge. We keep on exploring and find the Bad News Dragon, the legendary Terragon, we...
  2. EmperorFun

    Gaming The Adventure: "Ending Evil " Episode 18 Pokemon Cobalt & Amethyst

    In today's Episode, we fight and beat the gym leader of Halfwind Island for that we get the Venom Badge. After the gym fight we surf to the Ursire Chamber, there we met Jason, Melissa and Giltine. We fight and win against Giltine. Jason and Melissa apologize for what they did. Feedback is as...
  3. Original Gamesters

    Upload Milestone 100 Videos!!

    Hello Freedom! We are very happy to announce a milestone that seemed to take forever. WE HAVE 100 VIDEOS UP! We also have our first collab video up with BtwItsTiger. We couldn't have done it without the inspiration our fans and viewers have given us. We've started streaming too, which made...
  4. BoltGamer

    Gaming BoltGamers Introduction

    Hi My name is BoltGamer and I'm a daily streamer on YouTube and I stream a variety of games which includes Call Of Duty Black Ops 3, Destiny, Minecraft, Rocket League and more. I hope to grow and become popular and also be recognised by all my fans. I do try my best to keep my streams kid...
  5. G

    Gaming Clean Kid Gaming

    Hello my name is eddy i am fairly new to youtube and would love to ask if anyone out there is in need of help i can help on colabs etc. The only thing i ask for is for clean language as i like to keep it kid friendly and i prefer colabs because i don't usually play alone, if anyone needs a shout...