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  1. RyanScience

    Gaming How to fix multiplayer connection lag?

    Hello, I've been getting frequent and sudden spikes of connection lag in multiplayer games. I fixed this problem before by disabling my Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) item in my WiFi properties, but I got the lag spike problem a second time and this time resetting my settings and...
  2. TeeGee

    Gaming Going Under The Map On Infinite Warfare!

    I hope you guys enjoy the video! This was by far my favorite experiance from the IW Beta xD
  3. HealPleaseHeal

    Gaming The Lag IS TOO REAL!

    I get into Overwatch once again, but this time have a few lags here and there which I didn't notice to begin with. Doesn't matter, I still shot them up!
  4. G

    Gaming Need help with ps4

    I don't know where else to post this, I have tried everything I can think off. No matter what game I play on my ps4 it will lag loads and I will start teleporting, my internet is completely fine and is usually known for being quite fast, can someone help me with this?