league of legends 2017

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  1. League of Potatos

    Gaming LoL URF Montage

    Hiya! I hope you'll check out my newest video^^ It's an URF montage, write some feedback please c:
  2. League of Potatos

    Gaming League of Legends CAMILLE IS OP

    Hiya! I've made this new CAMILLE Montage please check it out^^
  3. League of Potatos

    Gaming League of Legends Montage - BEST MOMENTS

    Hiya guys! I've just made a new video give me some feedback what do you think about it :D
  4. League of Potatos

    Gaming PENTAKILL Montage - My new video^^

    Hey guys i've made this montage and i think it's really good but i want YOUR opinion what do you think about the video^^ So i just would like to ask you that please give me a feedback a honest feedback what do you think about it and what should i improve^^ Thank you
  5. League of Potatos

    Gaming My new League of Legends Montage! Check it out^^

    Hey guys that's my newest video i would really apreciate it if you would check it out and give me a feedback!