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  1. Phalguna.G


    Hello i am a bit confused about crypto mining but at the same time very interested in it. first of all what kind of a gpu is required for the mining (is this ok-gigabyte NVidia GV-N710D3-2GL) and i have an AIO so i shuld setup an external gpu is it? finally what am i to loose if i start...
  2. Bluecore

    Hot Reason Why YouTubers Lose Subscribers After Uploading Videos With Proof

    [Repost from reddit] So about a month and a half ago I noticed that YouTubers seemed to drop in subscribers after uploading videos. At first, I figured it was a glitch, either on YouTube’s side, or either of the fault of the live subscriber count websites. After hearing so many people starting...
  3. Charxander Origin

    Gaming I'm SO Sorry

    It was never supposed to go down like this.....