marvel movies

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  1. Top 10 Productions

    Entertainment Top 10 Marvel movies

  2. GodsSon


    Constructive and Productive criticism is optional. Regardless, work never stops.
  3. JuicyProspects

    Entertainment A New Channel: Juicy Prospects

    My YouTube channel is called "Juicy Prospects". I am a big fan of DC, Marvel, WWE, Movies, Filmmaking, Storytelling and Video Games. I made my way to the Freedom! community because my friend reccommended this network. Also, I watched the network's videos and it seemed very interesting and...
  4. Hubristic

    Entertainment Deadpool (2016) Movie Review!

    Just uploaded my review of the latest big comic film - Deadpool which was released today. It's also my first time using my new green screen, so I'd absolutely love some feedback on not only the review but the quality of the background and how to improve it (turns out greenscreen can be very...