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  1. CephasRed

    Gaming BRAIN BURN... | Portal Stories: Mel (Part 9)

    There are puzzles meant to challenge the PORTAL veterans and make them work extremely hard to keep their unique title...and feel accomplished for their work...then there's these three puzzles...meant to cause the most experienced player to melt their thinking box. Why must you torture PORTAL...
  2. CephasRed

    Gaming WELL THIS IS FAMILIAR! | Portal Stories: Mel (Part 8)

    In this episode, we trek higher into the enrichment center and come across the forest jungle that took over Aperture Science long LONG ago...all from one simple potato. Ah, the memories~ Also, we look for more information as to who AEGIS is! Game: Portal Stories: Mel Genre: Puzzle, Adventure...
  3. CephasRed

    Gaming WRACKING MY BRAIN HERE! | Portal Stories: Mel (Part 7)

    Continuing the escape out of Aperture Science, Virgil tries to override AEGIS and continue to provide help for us, while we solve extremely hard puzzles that almost make others quit. For someone who's extremely experienced in PORTAL like I am, there are some puzzles that make me wonder how it's...
  4. CephasRed

    Gaming MEET VIRGIL THE CORE! | Portal Stories: Mel (Part 6)

    Back into the dilapidated facility that was Aperture Science, we're off to find the source of the "Voice In The Sky". Who could it be and what kind of new adventure awaits us as we leave the deep underground tomb? Game: Portal Stories: Mel Genre: Action, Adventure, Fan-Made, Official, Puzzle...