metal gear solid

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  1. Cattigan619

    Gaming Cattigan619 Plays:Metal Gear Solid:The Twin Snakes pt3

    After our little confrontation alongside the female soldier. We now go to rescue the next hostage in the tank hanger, The president of Armstech, but this time it won't be so easy, as we have a good ole fashioned gunfight with none other than, Revolver Ocelot!
  2. Cattigan619

    Gaming Cattigan619 Plays:Metal Gear Solid:The Twin Snakes pt2

    After reaching the elevator in the beginning we now head over to the Tank Hanger, where we have to rescue the DARPA chief who is being held captive and get some info from him.
  3. Cattigan619

    Gaming Cattigan619 Plays:Metal Gear Solid:The Twin Snakes pt1

    Hey everyone, today I begin a new let's play of not only one of my favorite games,but also my one of my favorite game series. Metal Gear Sold.This one being the remake on Nintendo Gamecube called The Twin Snakes.Also a poll is in the video on what ending you'd like to see.
  4. Cattigan619

    Gaming Which version of Metal Gear Solid should I play?

    Hey everyone decided to repost this and add a poll on here in this rather than use strawpoll, just trying to think of what to play next on my channel as a solo let's play. One game that has been going through my mind for sometime is one of my favorites, Metal Gear Solid. I own two versions of...
  5. Cattigan619

    Gaming Metal Gear Solid, which version should i do?

    Hey everyone, just trying to think of what to play next on my channel as a solo let's play. One game that has been going through my mind for sometime is one of my favorites, Metal Gear Solid. I own two versions of the game, the original on PS1 and the remake,Twin Snakes on Gamecube. Not sure...
  6. thedudeman36

    Gaming Top 10 Silliest Items in Metal Gear

    In this video, I list 10 items in the Metal Gear series that I thought were either silly, dumb, or useless. Let me know what you think of the video, and let me know other items I didn't list that you'd put on your own list.
  7. JarredSinclairTV

    Gaming Metal Gear Solid: Phantom Pain. Thoughts?

    Hi Guys, Looking at getting MGS: Phantom Pain, but have been a bit put off by the "Open-World" mechanics. Is the entire game like that or does it play more like the other MGS games?