mighty no. 9

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  1. Cyborg-Lucario

    Gaming Let's Play with C-L: The final three parts of Mighty No. 9.

    Yup, decided to post the three last videos in one post.
  2. Cyborg-Lucario

    Gaming Let's Play with C-L: Mighty No. 9 part 6

    Decided it may be good to just start a new thread for a new episode (I apologise if you disagree). Missed any previous parts? Watch the playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNucJwrmBdHpS9JHPVJxhGU5K2Y7OuYyX
  3. Cyborg-Lucario

    Gaming Let's Play with C-L: Mighty No. 9

    Yes, it's a new let's play series. Yes it will definitely be shorter than Grim Fandango Remastered and Metal Gear Solid V. Yes I actually agree with European reviewers who thinks the game is good enough to get scores ranging from 7-8.